Kimye grabs the headlines

Posted: May 6, 2014 in Uncategorized
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Well folks, there are a few items on the radar that are a bit more important than the now-official marital status of “Kimye.” The biggest item on the agenda is that it is May! We are now past May Day, May the Fourth Be With You (Star Wars Day) and Cinco de Mayo. Looking forward from this moment, we have Test Season. All that anxiety about earning the best scores is most likely at a fever pitch in a number of households. Speaking of “pitch,” it’s baseball season. It’s impossible to keep up with how the local professional baseball club is doing at the moment. One day they’re way up and the next, they’re down and out.  Going back to the tests, once the tests are done, it is all followed with the end of the 2013-14 school season. With that, there are a slew of celeb-infused college commencement addresses which will flood our airwaves in a few weeks.

Even with all of that in mind, there are the upcoming primary elections on May 20. Since candidates play to their base, many campaigns start in the “introduction phase” only to turn nasty as the calendar draws closer to Election Day. I must confess that there is some ridiculous mudslinging going on at the moment. Once Memorial Day clears, the process towards the autumn general election begins anew with primary winners becoming more serious. Mix in theater with a pinch of policy discussion and you have yourself a campaign. Let’s face the fact that campaigns had to become more entertaining in order to get more folks to the polls. To the majority of the public, congressional, state, local and judicial races are a “yawner.” After all, there is no presidential election, so “why bother?” – according to a lot of Regular Joes and Josephines out there.  The truth is that the offices we vote for this year impact us more than voting for president. Many of us know this truth, but it bears repeating.

This all brings me back to the more important things in many folks’ lives and that is Kimye.  For those not “in the know,” “Kimye” is the nickname given to “musical”/rap recording “artist” and self-described uber-multiple Grammy winner Kanye West and Kim Kardashian.  Kanye earned notoriety by working his way up the recording industry chain. Kim earned her notoriety by being Kim Kardashian. I guess Kim lives or lived with her mom, 1976 Olympic Gold Medalist Bruce Jenner  and some siblings somewhere near Los Angeles, California. They have all been appearing on a reality television series for quite some time. The show made the clan even more rich and famous. Kim met Kanye and a relationship formed. Before the audience knew it,  “Kimye” had a baby and named their daughter North West. Insert joke here and I will with mine: What if North marries a guy with the last name of Orient (OK, yuck yuck –for those too young, Northwest Orient was the name frequently used for Northwest Airlines for years)? That’s the story, but somehow it’s huge news that they have been a couple and now, it’s much bigger news “Kimye” is official. The documents cementing their union were created and word out on the street is that there is a huge Paris wedding this month. To me, the whole thing seems to be more like a business merger – just playing to the cameras to further “Kimye’s” career.

There is unfortunately too much to say about “Kimye” and not enough about the real things that affect our lives. Remember folks, we have a primary on May 20. Get out there, do your research about the candidates and watch the debates even if they’re not as entertaining as “Kimye.” On second thought, with all of this political theater going on these days, the debates are becoming more entertaining than “Kimye.”

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